How To Be Secure From Brute Force Attacks?

Brute force attacks are trial and error techniques employed to find login credentials to gain unauthorized access. The brute force attack technique abuses the most basic method of getting entrance to an account: by attempting to guess login information, again and again, until they reach the right username and password combination.

How do brute force attacks work?
The brute force attack method is usually attributed to an extensive exploration. A hacker will regularly compare many passcodes until they find the right passcode. Programs have been produced to help hacker guess passwords. How successful these programs rely on the computing capability and amount of attempts. As per the server frameworks, a hacker is capable of trying a thousand distinct password variants per sixty seconds.

How to prevent brute force attacks?
Passwords are never safe, especially not from hackers. You need to know the ways to keep your passwords safe. Brute force attacks are a way of hacking into accounts and websites. A majority of brute force attacks target a specific site and try countless numbers of username and password combinations till their find the genuine one. Apart from this, they also find or attempt to find secret questions, promotional offer codes, etc.

There are several ways to prevent brute force attacks. Implementing an account lockout policy is the most significant and vital step. For instance, you can set a system wherein your account gets locked out after a specific number of, say two, failed login attempts. After the account is locked out, only the admin has the power to unlock it. Here are some ways through which you can prevent brute force attacks:

Long Passwords
Generally, the rule of thumb is, the longer the password is, the harder it is to guess. At present, several websites and social media applications require the people to build a password of a specific length (minimum eight characters).

Complex Passwords
Another essential point is to build a complicated password. Dictionary names and passwords such as "123456789" are incredibly easy to crack. Rather the password should contain uppercase and lowercase letters and should also contain numbers as well as special characters. The more complex a password will be, the more time will be taken in cracking it. 

Changing .htaccess file
Attaching a couple of commands in .htaccess file will farther strengthen the protection of the WordPress website. The goal is to enable entrance to wp-admin to just particular IP addresses recorded in .htaccess file.

Using Captcha
Nowadays, a majority of sites and platforms are employing a CAPTCHA system. It stops bots from performing automatic codes primarily used in Brute Force attacks. Setting up captcha websites is moderately simple.
Brute force attacks abuse the most straightforward way of obtaining entrance to a website. One can stop this with the tips given in the article. Securing and safeguarding accounts and sites is of utmost importance, and generating secure passwords to decrease the prospect of brute force attacks will let you be a bit relaxed.

Aida Martin is a self-professed security expert; she has been making the people aware of the security threats. Her passion is to write about Cyber security, cryptography, malware, social engineering, internet and new media. She writes for Norton security products at


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